DGFT had made it mandatory to all business to file all application related to MEIS Claim , SEIS Claim , EPCG License , Advance Authorization etc. by using DGFT Digital Signature. Digital Signature is kind of pen drive which can be used from Laptop / Desktop for signing any from digitally. DGFT Digital Signature DSC need to used on web browser on DGFT website.
Every company dealing in exim related transactions need to have Foreign Trade class DGFT DSC. DGFT site having facility where documents & information can be uploaded online and authorized person can submit it to DGFT with use of Digital DGFT Key.Buy DGFT DSC online that is secure with encryption and eight digit password making all online transaction authorized and secured. Its like signing documents physically. Certain list of documents need required for DGFT DSC. This DSC comes in validity of one and two years. From vendors to vendors price of this Digital signature changes.
For following DGFT applications DGFC DSC is mandatory to buy DSC
For each set of business such as Proprietorship , Company, LLP, Trust the list of documents for Class DGFT DSC differs. Below is sample list of documents required.
Procedure to apply DGFT Class DSC is complete online.
Each Digital Signature have its validity, while buying DSC buyer have option to buy it one or two years. As compared to cost two years DSC is more beneficial. After validity of DSC its cannot be used for DGFT filing. Hence you need to apply for new DSC for apply for renewal.
Best Price of DGFT DSC range from 2000 to 5000. Below is best price for DGFT Class DSC.
Renewal of foreign trade Digital Signature is simple. You need to submit same documents as listed above for renewal. For renewal it takes 1-2 days time.
Each Foreign trade DSC Is secured with password of eight digit. If in any case DSC get locked due to wrong passwords then you need to apply for new dsc. There is no mode to restore DSC.
This is to certify that following resolution was passed at the board meeting of ……………………………………………………………….. Held on ……………………………… at its registered office ………………………..
“ Resolved that application be made for Foreign Trade Class DGFT DSC. Further resolved that ……………………………………….. one of the director/ Partner is hereby authorize to sign and do needful for this purpose. Further resolved that ……………………………………….. authorized signatory is also hereby authorize to sign and do needful for this purpose.”
For ……………………………………
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