Below are details of Maharashtra Industrial Policy 2019.Maharashtra, the most industrialized state in the country is located in the western region of India. With Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of INR 24.97 lakh crore (US$387 billion), Maharashtra is the largest economy in India and accounts for 15.01% of the country’s GDP in 2017-18. The economy of Maharashtra is mainly driven by manufacturing, finance, international trade, mass media, technology, petroleum, fashion, apparel, gems and jewelry, IT & ITeS and tourism. The city of Mumbai houses the headquarters of most of the major corporate and financial institutions, of the country. India’s main stock exchanges (BSE and NSE) and main commodity exchanges are located in the city along with the capital market.
MSMEs are the backbone of State’s economy. With more than 3 million MSMEs, Maharashtra has largest number of MSME in the country, which contributes more than 80 per cent of the total employment. MSMEs are best placed to utilize local resources and create local entrepreneurship and employment. About 40% of the exports originate from MSMEs. Considering the vital role of this sector, the State Government intends to strengthen and promote the MSME sector for achieving inclusive industrial growth and promoting employment generation. Under New Maharashtra Industrial Policy 2019, investment limit for incentive purpose for small industrial units will be increased upto INR 50 crore in Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) so that more such units can come under the ambit of small industries.
As a policy, it has been the endeavor of State Government to promote innovative start-ups
by providing necessary infrastructure, and creating facilitating environment involving young entrepreneurs to enable sharing of their ideas and help them by handholding, mentoring and providing them financial assistance then under Maharashtra Industrial Policy 2019.