India ranks 63rd out of 190 containers in ease of doing business. To change this ranking Ministry of Corporate affairs will be launching MCA 21 Version 3. Currently stakeholder , Professional like CA , CS need to do company filing via downloading PDF forms. Fill details in PDF forms , sign then with dsc and then submit to MCA online. Purpose of MCA Version 3 is make this company related filing easy and smooth. The MCA21 V3.0 will not only improve the existing services and modules but will also create new functionalities like e-adjudication, compliance management system, advanced helpdesk, feedback services, user dashboards, self-reporting tools, and revamped master data services.
The object of MCA 21 Version 3 is to give reliable, smooth compliance , self reporting , and helpdesk portal to stakeholder and processionals. Where This Version 3 of MCA will make easy filing of company & LLP. Also this will reduce changes of error , and omission in the annual filing. This will help businesses to meet their annual or any other filing in best way.
There can be lots of benefit of MCA 21 version. This version will be complete web-based and need the internet to fill and file details.
MCA issued General Circular 01/2023 on 09-01-2023 giving details of new 45 form will be available in MCA Version 3 from 23-01-2023. For period of 07-01-2023 to 22-01-2023 following list of forms will be un available for filing. MCA will allow 15 days timeline without adding late fees for filing of firms.
S.No | Form Number | Form Name |
1 | DIR -12 | |
2 | DIR -11 | |
3 | DIR -3 | |
4 | DIR-3C | |
5 | DIR -5 | |
6 | DIR -6 | |
7 | INC -12 | |
8 | INC -18 | |
9 | INC -20 | |
10 | INC -20A | |
11 | INC-22 | |
12 | INC-23 | |
13 | INC-24 | |
14 | INC-27 | |
15 | INC-28 | |
16 | INC-4 | |
17 | INC-6 | |
18 | MGT -14 | |
19 | MR-1 | |
20 | MR-2 | |
21 | NDH-4 | |
22 | SH-7 | |
23 | SH-11 | |
24 | SH-8 | |
25 | SH-9 | |
26 | NDH-1 | |
27 | NDH-2 | |
28 | NDH-3 | |
29 | GNL-3 | |
30 | PAS-6 | |
31 | MGT-3 | |
32 | PAS-2 | |
33 | DIR-9 | |
34 | DIR-10 | |
35 | Aoc -5 | |
36 | FC-1 | |
37 | FC-2 | |
38 | FC-3 | |
39 | FC-4 | |
40 | GNL-2 | |
41 | GNL-4 | |
42 | MSC-1 | |
43 | MSC-3 | |
44 | MSC-4 | |
45 | RD-1 |