Home » Import Export » No Physical Copy of MEIS SEIS Scrip
As per Trade Notice No.03/15-20 dt. 03.04.2019, w.e.f 10.04.19 No physical copy of MEIS / SEIS licence will be issued. Exporters have to file the application as per current procedure and DGFT office will scrutinize the application and after acceptance will send the message on registered mobile and email ID with DGFT that Online MEIS / SEIS license has been issued.
“ Scrip No. ______ Dated ________ has been issued against RA File No. ______ No. Scrip on security paper is required to be issued. You can Print / view details at MEIS ECOM module on DGFT Website.
For Utilization of Online MEIS SEIS scrip Exporters have to take print from DGFT site which will be in PDF form and as per procedure laid down by customs authority, the license holder at the relevant EDI port will debit the license. Also customs authority will check ownership of license ( original owner and current owner). Customs will debit license without asking printed scrip on security paper.
The current Scrip holder can transfer Script to another person IEC Holder. The current holder of scrip need to record details of scrip transfer on DGFT Website. Then only new user can utilize script. Its important that first owner of scrip to record details on DGFT website for Online Transfer of MEIS SEIS scrip.
For furtner details refer Trade Notice No. 42/2015-20 dated 11.01.2019.
Without recording details for Online Transfer of MEIS SEIS scrip, new user cannot utilize scrip.