Every person who have obtained Other Service Provider (OSP) registration need to file OSP Annual return. Department of Telecom had issued circular for filing this return. The OSP shall submit ‘Annual return’ to the department of Telecommunication in the prescribed Performa within six months of completion of the financial year, indicating the details of the client, Turnover , number of employess of the previous financial year and the status of their continuing the OSP operation. The operational OSPs shall be put in the Active OSP list.
Date date for filing this OSP annual return is within six months from the date of completion of financial year. For example ABC Ltd have who’s financial year get completed on 31 March 2022 shall file OSP return by 30 November 2022. Its six months from the date of closure of financial year.
Every company who have taken OSP registration shall file for annual retun. Ever for no sales this return is required for be filed .
Format of OSP Annual return is given by the Department for Telecommunication. This is complete manual return need to be submitted physically.
Few highlights of Annual return