Package Scheme of Incentives 2019 is scheme for encouraging development of industry. This scheme benefit can be taken by New Industrial unit or existing unit under expansion. Earlier this scheme was know as Package Scheme of Incentives 2013. The policy envisages grant of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to the Industrial units with a view to help the units achieve higher, sustainable and inclusive economic growth with emphasis on balanced regional development and employment generation.
The scheme divides Industry in tow major parts for giving various benefits. First is Large / MSME Industry and second is on Basis of location of Industry in Maharashtra. To avail benefit under scheme Industry need to qualify certain condition of Fixed Capital Investment , Number of employment generation & geographical location of Industry.
Amended Package Scheme of Incentives 2019 period is For 5 Years that is from 1st April 2019 up to 31st March, 2024.
Detailed taluka-wise classification of different areas of the State as Group, A /B/ C/ D/ D + etc., on the basis of their level of industrial development
shall be as given in Annexure-I to this G.R. where –
All Eligible New Units in Group C, D, and D+ areas, No-Industry District(s), Aspirational Districts and Naxalism affected Area will be exempted from payment of Electricity Duty during applicable eligibility period.
For Group A and B areas, only eligible 100% Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Information Technology Manufacturing Units and Bio-Technology Manufacturing units will also be exempted from payment of Electricity Duty for a period of 7 Years.
The followings incentives shall be admissible to the Expansion Projects of MSMEs so as to promote quality competitiveness, Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED scheme), Research & Development, technology up-gradation, water & energy conservation, cleaner production measures and credit rating –
New Units as well as Units undertaking Expansion / Diversification will be exempted from payment of Stamp duty during the Investment period in Group C, D, D+ Talukas, No Industry Districts, Aspirational Districts and Naxalism affected areas for acquiring land (including assignment of lease rights and sale certificate) and for term loan purposes. However, in Group A and B areas, stamp duty exemption would be available as given below: