Company who deal in business of export of software , software consultant have NON STPI / STPI certificate. Procedure for cancellation of NON STPI registration is simple as compared to cancellation of STPI Registration. The procedure is complete manual and take 7-15 days time for completion. Before cancellation company need to ensure that past periods Softex , APR etc are duly complied along with STPI filing fees.
NON STPI Registration is give by department of Software Technology Parks of India. The certificate issued is valid for 3 years. There can be various reason for cancellation of NON STPI registration certificate.
Fees for cancellation of NON STPI registration need to be paid. of Software Technology Parks of India accepts payment by Online payment Transfer. In Maharashtra Fees for cancellation of registration is Rs.4000 + 18 % GST. Once Company pay same fees company need to submit payment proof and annexure P. Company will be invoice for amount paid to STPI department.
Cancellation of NON STPI registration license is simple and need to be one manually. Company need to prepare following list of documents and submit same to STPI department.
After successful submission of above document to Software Technology Parks of India , department will share acknowledgment of proof of receipt of documents. After due verification of documents and fees paid department will send you a document for confirmation of cancellation of registration certificate. Once said document is received ,procedure for cancellation is completed.