DIC Registration

  • Consultancy on Benefits
  • DIC Online & Offline Application
  • Follow Up & Registration
  • Saving in Electricity bill by 30-40%
  • Starts From ₹25000/-

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    DIC Registration

    In India under Government Policy District Industries Center is registered. This department is operating since 1st May 1978. Purpose of DIC registration is towards promoting business in India by way of Government schemes.. DIC Registration can be taken by Manufacturing or IT Company etc. After taking DIC registration IT Company can make application to MSEB department to give concession in electricity rate. Validity of registration is three years after that company may apply for renewal of license. We are DIC Registration consultant in Pune , Mumbai , Thane , Aurangabad , Thane & Nashik.

    Package Include :

    • Consultancy
    • Preparing Documents
    • DIC Online & Offline Application
    • DIC Registration
    • Government Return Filing

    Benefit of District Industries Centre (DIC) Registration to IT Company

    In Indian one of Overhead cost for IT Company is Electricity Expenses. Due to computers and Air conditioner use electricity is major head of overheads.IT , Software companies who want to availe benefit of concession in electricity shall apply for DIC Registration. Company can avail electricity at Industrial Rate. With DIC companies get per unit rate as per Commercial rate. Shifting from commercial rate to Industrial rate can give saving of upto 30% per month in electricity Bill. Once registration is taken its valid for next three years.

    Difference Between DIC & Udyog Adhar MSME

    Under MSMED act 2006, all MSMEs used to get registered in two stages one at proposal stage called EM part I and other after at commencing operations stage called EM part II.This EM part II is popularly known as MSME registration, which replaced earlier SSI registration. Where as DIC is registration is given under District Industries Centre. DIC and MSME registration are not same.

    Key Points of DIC Registration.

    Documents required for DIC Registration

    List of Services Covered Under DIC Registration

    DIC Registration Package


    Preparing Documents

    DIC Application

    DIC Registration


    What We Offer

    ​GST Certificate with ARN

    Simplified Excel Template

    GST HSN & SAC Code

    GST Invoicing Formats

    GSTN GST Software

    DIC Registration Process


    DIC Registration Application Preparation

    A N Bhutada & CO Expert will prepare your DIC application , legal documents


    Filing DIC Application

    Once the application is prepared and documents are collected,we will make online & offline application of DIC


    DIC Registration Certificate

    Once the DIC application and the attached supporting documents are verified by the Officer, Certificate shall be provided

    Send me all information about DIC Registration in my mailbox

      Email Address

      Phone Number

      1After getting DIC Do I automatically get benefit of electricity bill concession ?
      No. Companies who have valid DIC registration shall apply to MSEB department for change in electricity rates from commercial to Industrial rate.
      2What is Validity of This DIC Registration Certificate ?
      IT DIC Registration certificate validity is maximum 3 years. Company shall apply for renewal in last month of expiry.
      3I already have STPI / NON STPI Registration can I still apply For DIC ?
      Yes. STPI is issued by STPI department for IT Company. Where as DIC is issued to again IT companies under District Industries Centre department.
      4Electricity Meter is name of Landlord and I am tenant can I still take electricity concessional rate benefit ?
      Yes. ITES electricity benefit can be availed even electricity meter is not in company name. The meter transfer form should be filled and submitted to MSEDCL along with NOC from current meter owner.
      5Who Can apply for DIC registration ?
      Following companies can apply for registration • T Software • IT Hardware • IT Enabled Services ( ITES ) • Back-office Operations; • Call Centres or Contact Centre Services; • Content Development or Animation; • Data Processing or data mining • Engineering and Design; • Geographic Information System Services; • Human Resource Services; • Insurance Claim Processing
      6My company head office is in Delhi and operational unit is in Maharashtra , can I apply for DIC ?
      Yes. Preliminary condition for DIC in Maharashtra is company need to have operational office in Maharashtra.

      More Questions? Seek Help of an Expert

      Call us at: +91 80555 66789 or Email us: office@anbca.com