After registration of Limited Liability Partnership Firm can take decision for Change LLP Name. There can be various reason for LLP name change. Procedure for change LLP name generally given in LLP agreement. In important to note that consent of partners in important. LLP need to take decision for LLP name change. Then apply for Name reservation , prepare supplementary agreement and submit to MCA. Process for LLP name is complete online by filing RUN Form , Form LLP 5 and Form LLP 3. In This article we explained procedure about LLP Name Change Steps and Filing Fees
Any Limited Liability Partnership Firm can change its name with mutual decision of partners. Some times LLP agreement have clause about Change LLP Name. However where LLP agreement is silent about name change then with consent of partners, proceeding can be done. After registration of LLP at any time LLP can apply to MCA For name change.
Before making application for name reservation in Form RUN. LLP should ensure that new name is unique and as per Guide Lines of LLP Act 2008. MCA had given online RUN Form ( Reserve Unique Name ). In this from LLP can submit upto 2 name. Fees applicable for this form is Rs. 1000/- and one time re submission is allowed.
Check New LLP Name Availability
LLP Need to file resolution for name change , in this LLP will authorize one of partner to act on half of LLP and partner in Legal Proceeding.
“RESOLVED THAT in Meeting of LLP as per Section 19 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (as amended or re-enacted from time to time) decision of Change LLP name is taken. Change LLP Name Form ______________________ to New Name ____________________________.
This is agreed between the partners.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr./Ms. …………………[Name of Designated Partner] designated partner be and is hereby authorized to sign necessary documents, forms, do necessary filings with the Registrar of LLP and to do any such acts and deeds that may be necessary in this regard.”
LLP Form 5 is applicable for Notice for Change of Name of LLP. After getting name reservation letter this need to be filed. LLP need to mention RUN Form SRN Number. Reason for LLP Name change to be mentioned. And procedure followed whether as per agreement / consent of partners / director on government.
Once Legal documents are submitted in Form 5 , once MCA do its checking. Once approved form MCA , they will issue new certificate of incorporation that will contain LLP name after Name change. After than LLP need to prepare Supplementary LLP Agreement. This agreement will have draft about Change of LLP name from existing to new name.
Fine step for LLP name change procedure is submission of LLP agreement. Once supplementary agreement is ready it need to submitted to MCA. Form 3 is available for online filing of agreement. On filing of Form 3 , SRN challan will get generated.
Once LLP name change in completed , LLP need to take below action points for informing to Banker , Other government departments , Clients and Vendors.