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The RBI had vide a Circular in September 2013 , laid down a revised procedure for filing of SOFTEX making it mandatory for ALL exporters. For physical export goods leaves from India and reporting is get done at Port. This reporting is about value of goods, quality etc.
As per RBI Master Circular ,in terms of which every exporter of goods or softwares has to give declaration in one of the forms (GR/PP/SDF/SOFTEX/Bulk SOFTEX) and submit it to the specified authority for certification. Earlier requirement for softex filing was only for export above $ 25000. However from 2013 , for each export invoice companies need to submit softex. The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) requires exporters to complete the EDF/SOFTEX Form using the number so allotted and submit them to the specified authority first for certification and then to AD for necessary action as hitherto. In this article is about Softex Filing , Due Date , Content and penalty for non filing.
Softex Filing Procedure Download
Softex submission is more of tedious job as it require more paper work. Earlier company need to submit set of documents. Following are important attachments for Softex filing
From official website of RBI Softex number need to be generated. Each softex number is unique. This is key number in softex compliance for STPI and NON STPI Units. Visit to https://rbi.org.in/scripts/EDF_UserDetails.aspx and fill necessary details.
Rbi Issued Exchange Control Manual for Filing Softex Form. As per Para 6D due date for filing softex Form is 30 days from the date of invoice/the date of last invoice raised in a month. With in 30 day of raising export invoice softex form need to be submitted to STPI department. Invoice date is criteria for deciding softex due date.
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Softex form having major content in relation to export invoice and client details etc. Below are content of Softex submission
Procedure to cancel NON STPI Registration
After taking STPI / NON STPI Registration , companies need to pay Annual maintenance fees to STPI department. This fees depends on the last financial year turnover. Fees applicable as per turnover criteria.
For Non Filing of softex funds received from Out India is treated as General Income rather than as Export Income. In addition to this Banker may issue letter for holding your account.